This question most frequently appears in administration orientated job interviews. It holds no hidden agenda and makes no attempt to dissect your psyche. It is a simple, straight to the point question, which aims to ensure that you have the necessary skills to carry out a specific job. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t be tripped up by this question. Many people will be aware that they have certain skills or talents, but because they become almost second nature, it is sometimes hard to put into words exactly how we achieve what we do. Therefore, it is worth taking the time to identify all of your strengths and the reasons behind them.
Common techniques and tools people use to keep themselves organized include; keeping business and personal e-mails separate, keeping a detailed diary of daily tasks done and upcoming, planning as far in advance as is practicable, using a specific filing system and the list goes on and on.
An example answer could be, "keeping my work space tidy is always my number one priority with regards to organization. Keeping my desk clutter free help keeps my mind clutter free. I am also keen on ensuring all planned tasks are recorded in at least two mediums. Usually on the computer’s calendar and by hand in my work diary. Through my experience I have found that filing papers as soon as they become available to me, instead of letting them build in my in tray, is a much more efficient way to stay organized."
If organization is one of your strengths, given a little time and effort you will be able to give a brief concise insight into your personal methods. However, it is important to practice delivering your answers to the interviewer to ensure you do not miss an opportunity to highlight your talent.
Time management is a great one to mention, as is using a diary for important information. Also, a seperate email file for work related emails that sort of thing i feel would be the best answer
Great, thank you.