What has been the greatest disappointment in your life?
Depending on the circumstances this could be a difficult question to answer! Tread carefully.
Think carefully what has been your greatest disappointment. Don’t start telling the interviewer something that is going to make you upset or that you are going to be unable to tell the whole story, only tell them something that is truly a disappointment but demonstrate how you dealt with this.
For example
When you applied to University, you did not get on the course you actually wanted. This was the biggest disa ppointment you have had to face. However you instead focused on what course you had been accepted on and how you could work up to the other course, or chose a different location and in the end after what at the time had been the biggest disappointment in your life you managed to turn it around.
The reason the interviewer will ask questions such as these is to see how you deal with rejection and disappointment, they will see if you continue the fight or throw the towel in. This is very important if they are to employ you, they will want you to work through difficulties.
If you haven’t had a greatest disappointment in your life then say so. Not everyone has but try and say something like:
"Unfortunately I don’t feel as though I have been in this situation but if I did have a massive disappointment I would try and work through it to turn it into a positive"
Be honest. Good Luck.
That’s good to know actually thankyou. Sometimes we worry if we cant answer the question that we will be wrong and so try and make something up. Good to know for this one we dont have to
Don’t worry if you haven’t had any disappointments that stand out for you. Also, don’t worry if you’ve been disappointed by something that you’d rather not mention.
Don’t try and make up a devastating story, either, as you could end up being caught out if you suddenly make something up on the spot.
One last thing – don’t tell your interviewer that you were disappointed by something which sounds petty. They won’t be impressed by somebody who is disappointed over small things.
Thank you for the thread.