What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make?
These questions are designed to test your resolve and will show the interviewer your ability to think outside of the box. The answer should be related to the job you have applied for but the way you answer the question, will be much more important than the answer itself. How you answer will depend on the job itself, but ensure you have prepared yourself for this question and practice asking it until you are confident you can deliver an effective response.
No matter how prepared you are for the question you should still take a pregnant pause before answering.
This question is designed to make you think, if it appears you were expecting the question the potency of your answer will be decreased.
To make sure you are not seen in a negative light, avoid answering like the example below:
Example Answers
"I find the most difficult decisions to make are one’s when you are rushed. Not having enough time to fully explore the problem can negatively impact on the outcome."
Whilst this is a valid point, this is highly likely to be a recurring scenario throughout your working life. By telling your interviewer that you struggle under these circumstances, you could be ruling yourself out of the running on this one question. That is another good reason to always give a considered and measured response.
In order to take advantage of this situation you should use a similar answer to the one below:
"I find the most difficult decisions to make are when the interest’s of the company are more important and conflicting with the interests of an individual or employee. I always find it difficult not to side with the individual, but know I must have the resolve and moral courage to work in the interest of the company."
This answer explains that you fully intend to be committed to the company and that you know your responsibilities may include resolving difficult and perhaps even controversial scenarios.
Good luck.
Do these have to be work related? I can obviously give some of those, but currently am trying to make a decision about where to send my son for his secondary education next, have done research and narrowed it down to 8 schools – we can apply to 4!
Yes, there is no right or wrong answer if the question is a subjective one and the interviewer is asking your opinion on something.
For example, "what do you enjoy best?" is a question which will be answered differently by everybody. The thing to do is to use this to your advantage, and answer with something that will leave a good impression. Remember that you’re trying to stand out among a lot of people.
Thank you for information.