Use this resignation letter example as a guide to write your own letter easily. This letter is written for unsatisfactory work circumstances.
Amend it as suitable before using it your situation.
Resignation letter Example: Unsatisfactory Conditions
Mr Joe Bloggs
1 High Street
X1 2YZ
Mrs J Smith
Senior Supervisor
ABC Engineering
147 The Street
Z9 8YX
Dear Mrs Smith
I am writing this letter to advise you that I wish to resign from my position of Floor Manager.
The reason for my resignation is due to the unsatisfactory circumstances I have faced over the past months since my promotion. Although I have addressed these with you several times, failure to improve these issues has made it highly difficult for me to conduct my job, let alone to the best of my ability and I no longer wish to be in this stressful situation.
I am of the understanding that I am required to give you four weeks’ notice of my intentions; therefore my date on which I depart will be (insert date). I have been advised that I have five days of annual leave outstanding. It is my wish to take this prior to my departure, preferably during the fourth week of my notice period. Please can you let me know if this is suitable, whether alternative dates are more appropriate, or if payment for this untaken leave will be included in my final payment upon leaving?
Should you require any additional information from me, do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Joe Bloggs
Resignation letter example for Unsatisfactory Work Circumstances
Manager’s Name
Company Name
Company Address
Dear <enter manager’s name>,
It is with a great deal of difficulty that I am sending you this letter. Although the time I have spent working at <enter company name> was mostly satisfying and productive, I have become increasingly dissatisfied with the work situation. The road the company is taking, the people whom I work with and the new methods being used to meet company goals are all making it more and more difficult for me to feel that I am contributing as I should.
Therefore, it is with regret that, I ask you to consider this letter my formal notification of resignation from <company name> effective <enter last day of work>.
Your name
I think i’d be tempted to say Unsatisfactory working conditions rather than circumstances, as circumstances just doesnt sound right and they could pull you over it (in my opinion)