Topshop Application Form
Have you ever thought about working for Topshop or Topman, are you in love with Retail? Can you work flexible, part-time? temporary? or even christmas jobs at Topshop? Xmas is always means fun and being very busy days for thos who works for Topshop retail company.You might have experienced shopping at Topshop. It’s a great place to get high end but affordable clothing, and most of the time, you’ll find great deals. This company is enjoying years of success in the world of fashion.
If you have been buying stuffs from this store, has the thought of working for them entered your mind? If it did, you better check on Topshop Job Vancancies. They have various vacant positions and one of them may just be the right job for you. You can visit their website or go to one of their stores personality to inquire about what they are looking for. That way, you will get to know if you would fit in with your qualifications.
Love fashion? Why not apply to work within one of the fastest growing fashion outlets at Topshop or Topman? With over 185 stores across the UK alone, there’s something for everyone out there. Topshop have an eye for fashion for every age range, man or woman.
How to Apply
To apply, you can download and print off an application form which can be found on their website. On their website you can also do a bit of research about each roles in which you can apply for, that way you know exactly what you want to do and you can ensure you know exactly what role you are putting on your application form. To give your potential employer more information about yourself, it’s also advised to send a copy of your CV and a covering letter. Your covering letter should be about half a side of A4, be set out like a formal letter with your name, address and contact information on the top right hand corner. Explain a bit about yourself and why you are applying for the role at Topshop.
The assessment centre stage, is split into two or three stages. A group exercise where you will be assessed on your team building skills, this is usually a stage for management roles. A 1:1 competency based interview, where you will be asked a number of questions regarding the role you are applying for. A presentation, you will be given a theme on which you will be talking about, usually this is to see if you can find out as much information about the product yourself.
Topshop also run a management graduate scheme, if you are interested in this role, you need to e-mail head office for further information.
The salary at Top shop is competitive, for a sales assistant it usually exceeds national minimum wage and can be discussed at the interview stage. Management roles depend on your level of experience, also will be discussed at the interview stage.
Click here to visit Topshop careers.
how to apply for a job with topshop?
how do you apply for the job?
firend of mine is working at topman store, he thinks its alright.
can i get a form please x
has anyone applied for a Topshop job in 2012?