Applying for a personal loan is often the easiest way out when you need to buy something expensive but don’t have the ready cash available or even to bail yourself out of debt traps. However, often due to the sheer excitement of acquiring something desirable or resolving financial messes you end up making mistakes when taking the loan that will quite possibly haunt you and create unnecessary stress. The top mistakes that you should watch out for:
Failing to Compare and Contrast Offers
There is often a tendency to sign up on the first loan offer that looks reasonable. However, unless you are in a major rush, it always pays to look around and see what various institutions are offering. The financial markets are quite competitive and by not rushing you will invariably be able to get an offer that’s really lucrative. While the interest rate should be your prime consideration, you should look at other considerations like processing fees, andearly repayment terms and penalties than can make the offer unfavorable.
Not Verifying the Accuracy of Your Credit Report
Personal loans interest rates depend largely on your credit score. Most people don’t bother to take a look at their credit reports and assume that they are accurate, when in fact, there can be a lot of mistakes that can drive your score down and affect your credit score. Since as per law, you are allowed to access your credit information free of charge, it makes more sense for you to check it out, correct mistakes if any, and take the benefit of lower interest rates. You also get the chance of improving your credit score before applying for a loan from a reputed lender like
Overextending Your Repayment Capabilities
It is common for lenders to be blamed for payment terms that are lopsided and irresponsible; however, it is really the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the loan amount is such that the repayment can be done without stressing himself out. The customer, usually, has complete freedom to choose the loan amount and the repayment period so that he can decide whether he can afford the monthly payment. If the interest rate is variable, it is all the more important to take into account the effect of rate hikes in your budget.
Accepting Repayment Terms That Are Irresponsible
Even though the financial sector has a lot of regulations and a code of conduct that is strict, there can still be some lenders who build in terms that are clearly unfavorable to the customer. You should ensure that you do not agree blindly to a loan agreement that will leave you in trouble.
Personal loans can be extremely useful and are indeed a very good way of leveraging your income for expenses that cannot be met out of savings. However, you really need to be careful to choose the lender that offers the best terms, check out your credit report for accuracy, do not borrow outside your means, and carefully scrutinize the agreement before signing on.
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