Tell me about your proudest achievement
Remember this doesn’t just have to be about work, it can also be your proudest achievement outside of work for example: maybe you passed your driving test, got a good University Degree etc – be realistic and genuine about what you are proud about.
Interviewers will ask this kind of question to see what you have done in or out of work that you are proud of, they will use it to assess your personality and to see what you view as important.
Make your answer relevant and recent so you are not trying to describe something years ago.
Be specific, don’t waffle – if you are proud of it be straight to the point about what you are proud of.
If you can’t think of one thing that you is your proudest achievement think of a few small things and discuss them all in one remembering to be specific and clear and try and turn it into something relevant to the role you are being interviewed for.
yes i have one for this. This is where i bring in the customer who was threatening to cancel his policy with us as a claim wasnt being paid (i cant remember why) in the process of our conversation, he happened to mention he had another vehicle that wasnt yet insured with us (i think he had 2 cars and his house and caravan at the time so a good customer to keep) – took me a full week to resolve the query to mutual satisfaction (ie his and the company) but as we’d been talking i cheekily said, if i manage to resolve this satisfactorily would you allow me to quote for your other vehicle (which was due to be renewed anyway) – he allowed me to and took the policy
It’s not only about work.