Systems Administrator interview: tips and questions.
The main function of a systems administrator is to ensure that all computers being used by the company are operating properly. The demand for systems administrators is growing exponentially as all companies depend on experts to manage servers and provide hardware support for laptops, desktops, monitors and printers. The systems administer should have the ability to learn new technology and implement it; an extremely high knowledge base of Windows and Linux administration is essential.
A systems administrator will have had a university education and will have a Bachelor’s degree at least, but preferably a Master’s degree in computer science or an associated course. A systems administrator will deal with different problems which may include the design and configuration of software, hardware devices, and also test operating system software.
There are many skills required to be a successful systems administrator. The job is constantly evolving as computers and software become more and more efficient and capable of dealing with complicated hardware devices. They also deal with the organisation of software resources.
The Interview
Systems administrators are highly sought after, and if you have the relevant university degree coupled with the aptitude necessary for this role, you should be confident that your ability will stand you in pole position.
It is important to show that you’re not over-confident. You will need to work with other people so you must be a team player. Appropriate business clothes should be worn, and you should make sure that you have spent time researching the company in which you are seeking employment.
Ensure that you arrive in good time for the interview and remember to switch your mobile phone off when you arrive at the company. Greet the interviewer with a warm handshake and remember to smile. You want to work there, so it is important to show that you are pleased to be there.
It is possible that the interviewer doesn’t know much about the work of a systems administrator and what is involved on a day to day basis. If you are asked to explain what you do, speak clearly and in layman’s terms, without sounding patronising.
It may be that this is the first interview and another will be scheduled for shortlisted candidates. Make sure that you are recalled by confirming your desire to work for the company.
At the close of the interview, thank the interviewer and if there will only be a single interview indicate that you will accept if the position is offered to you.
Lots of interesting questions here. Mostly are generally asked at any interview, so prepare yourself with answers for any and all questions. I would say though to try and ensure any answer you give comes across naturally and not like you have it scripted. Listen to the question, it may have been asked with a specific reason in mind and if you dont answer it "correctly" (ie you just end up waffling) you wont look good
As with all interviews please don’t forget the standard questions you will be asked.
For a role as Systems Administrator you will get asked some in depth questions such as:
A Systems Administrator role in any business is very important, you will be very busy most of the time and your interviewer will be looking to see if you could cope with this and how you deal with stress.
Before your interview try and speak to someone else in this role and see what they think/feel about this role and make sure it is the role for you. Make sure you research thoroughly as you will definitely get asked a lot of technical questions to allow them to assess your suitability but don’t forget they will also want to see what the real you is like and if you will fit into their company environment. Best Wishes.