Subway Application Form
Do you fancy yourself as something of an artist? How about a “Sandwich Artist™”? If yes, or even if not! You should consider a career at Subway. Subway is a global brand with stores all over the UK and beyond. You should be aware that many Subway stores are owned by franchisees so working conditions may vary from store to store.
Subway are purveyors of fresh sandwiches that are created in front of the customer as they wait. Their focus on quality is strong and you will be expected to do everything you can to maintain that image.
How to Apply
The subway careers website allows you to search for stores near you and apply on spec. This means that you do not have to wait for them to advertise a vacancy before applying. You can also drop your CV with a cover letter into your local store directly. Write your covering letter in a formal way and include some reasons you think you would be a good match for subway. Be sure to hand your CV and covering letter directly to a manager.
The interview process at Subway is fairly run of the mill. You will be asked to demonstrate you knowledge about Subway so be sure to study the information on their site before your interview. You may be asked to complete a simple maths test and to explain why you are a good match for Subway. You may be asked questions about your availability, flexibility and how you plan to travel to work if you are offered a position. You will also be given the chance to ask some questions of your own. Be sure to have some questions prepared if this comes up.
Subway pay their “Sandwich Artists™” £6.08 per hour. Other positions have negotiable salaries and are dependent on both location and the preferences of the franchisee.
About Sandwich Artists
QuoteSandwich Artists™ have a positive outlook, thrive in a busy work environment and are keen to learn the art of great sandwich making. You will work well as part of a team, making delicious sandwiches to customer requirements. You will be responsible for serving customers, following health and safety procedures, and keeping the store clean.
Click here to visit Subway job site to search and apply for vacancies.
read about subway jobs