Interview Hints and Questions for Social Workers
There are a huge variety of tasks which are undertaken by Social Workers. They are needed to assist individuals and families for a wide number of reasons and in many different situations. There are Social Workers who specialise in specific areas; perhaps the elderly, disabled or children’s services.
A Social Worker needs to have educational qualifications including a degree in social work. Those people who have a degree in a different subject will probably be able to take a two-year post-graduate course in social work. It is also necessary to have a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) background check.
There is a considerable amount of paperwork involved within the working life of a Social Worker. There are reports which need to be written after every appointment with each client, and it may be necessary to attend court hearings. When people want to adopt a baby or child, they will have a Social Worker to support them until the adoption is complete. Social Workers are involved with lots of clients at any one time, so they must keep impeccable records of every meeting.
A Social Worker’s life is never dull. They must act on their own initiative, whilst still being part of a team. They need to emphasise with clients and understand their position, rather than being judgemental. Good computer skills are also required.
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Social Worker salary
Social Worker CV Example
Social Worker cover letter example
This is a career, not just a job, and prospective employers will choose to interview you after reading your CV. There is a shortage of good Social Workers, and provided you are dressed appropriately and conduct yourself reasonably at an interview you stand an excellent chance of succeeding.
It is important to understand the breakdown of the clients, and previously you will have decided whether you prefer Adult or Children Social Services. There are excellent opportunities to advance to Senior Social Worker after a few years’ experience.
Ensure that you have answers to all questions, and in fact it may be beneficial to make a note of questions to refer to during the interview. The interviewer will appreciate that you have given some thought regarding what you want to ask at the interview, and will be able to answer all questions.
It is always helpful to the interviewer if you indicate whether you would like to accept the position if it were to be offered to you and this should be mentioned at the end of the interview.
Social Worker interview questions:
How do you evaluate success? Interview Question
What can you do for this company? Interview Question
Why are you the best person for the job? Interview Question
What are your salary expectations? Interview Question
Describe a difficult work situation project and how you overcame it
Give some examples of teamwork – Interview Question
What motivates you? Interview Question and Answer
What is your greatest weakness? Interview Question
Why do you want this job? Interview Question
What is your greatest strength? Interview Question
View the full list of typical interview questions and answers!
This is a very rewarding career path if you can do it. Unfortunatly at the moment social workers do have a bit of a bad press here (not helped by a certain soap opera showing the completely wrong idea), so if you have the stomach for the job (as at times you will be dealing with very heartbreaking situations) then i say go for it