As a Social Media Moderator, you will be the voice to the customers and act as go between therefore to do this role successfully, you will need to have a good background in Customer Services and have excellent written and oral skills. Usually a background in Marketing is where you may have come from.
If you are looking to update your CV before applying for a role, please see below for an example you can use.
CV Example: Social Media Moderator
Name Surname
Mobile No/Email
I am an excellent communicator who has spent many years in a customer service environment. I am a creative and passionate person and enjoy the challenges and fast paced environment of social media.
Having gained over (months/years) experience I am now seeking to further develop my knowledge and skills within social media and am confident with tracking and monitoring customer requirements and hearing them.
I am an excellent communicator and feel that with the knowledge I have gained I can demonstrate technical expertise and am confident with my customers. I enjoy developing relationships with new customers and am able to measure the turnaround results on a monthly basis.
I have excellent time management skills and I am able to multi task doing many different projects at one. I am a positive and energetic individual that is focused and eager to further grow and develop my career in the world of social media.
Date to Date or To Date – Social Media Moderator – Where?
In my role as a Social Media Moderator, I am the voice between the company and the customer and I enjoy this role. My responsibilities include:
Deal with customer enquiries on the telephone, email, letter etc within the standard time set by the company. Liaise with other departments effectively to ensure that communication is aired and that all departments are aware of any ongoing issues.Provide insight and a contribution towards Facebook and Twitter updates.Enhance the image of the company to our customers.Engage with existing customers and develop relationships with new customers. Deal with all manner of content and adapt as necessary according to the needs of the customer.QUALIFICATIONS
University, College, School – For all include titles/subjects and qualifications.
Computer skills – MS Office, Excel??? Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator
Any other training courses or relevant qualifications to a job that you are looking for? Face book, Twitter, You Tube, My Space.?
Any customer service courses/training? Marketing?
What do you like to do outside of work?
Available on request.
Excellent thread, I’ve been a Social Media Moderator and you certainly do need Customer Service experience, although you are not "talking" as such to people you will be the Voice of the company. As such you will need to be aware of Brand Awareness etc