Many people forget than an INTERVIEW is just that, an EXCHANGE of views. It is important that during an interview you make sure that the interviewer knows that you are interested in the job too, and not just interested in saying all the right things to their questions. Asking questions of your own shows that you want to work with that employer and want to ensure they are a good fit for you too.
- How long have you worked for this company? Asking the interviewer about how long they have worked with the company shows that you are interested in career progression.
- What position did you start in? Asking this will give you a good idea of how likely it is that you will be able to expand within the company.
- What are the main responsibilities of the role I have applied for? Asking this just shows you are keen to understand that you are competent for the role.
- Was there anything you felt the last person in this role did well? This question will show that you are keen to find the intimate details of the job.
- Was there anything you felt the last person in this role didn’t do so well? This will help you to understand any potential tripping points in the position, and also gives you an opportunity to offer a solution to the interviewer should you know of one.
- How many people work in my department? This will show you are keen to make friends and colleagues.
- When can I expect to hear back from you about my interview? This shows that you are keen for feedback and keen to start!
- When would you like me to start should I be offered the position? This again shows that you are thinking positively about the prospect of working for the company.
- Is there much scope for travel with the position?
- Might I have to relocate at all for the position? It is always best to ask this if it is likely.
- Was there anything from my CV you would like to discuss. This shows you are open to discussion of your past and may lead to opportunity to show again why you are perfect for the job.
- What do you think is the best thing about this company personally? This shows the interviewer that you are interested in gaining a human image for the company and shows curiosity and forward thinking.
- Can I tell you anything more about my qualifications?
- What is my immediate manager like. Would it be possible to meet them? This shows your human side and shows that you are keen to build rapport.
- What kind of people do you look for here for this kind of position? This shows a greater interest in the company and its ethos.
- I read X on your website, can you tell me more about it? Asking something that proves you have been researching the company will always go down well. Try and read the News section of the company website to see if they have recently won an award, or been in the news for something that you can open up the interviewer with.
- How interested are the company in people development? This question shows that you are interested in bettering yourself and are looking to see if the company will support that.
- Do you need any references? This offer will show that you have nothing to hide.
- Is there anything else you would like to know about me? This shows that you are wiling to ensure the interviewer is satisfied.
- Will you let me know if I am not successful so that I might begin looking elsewhere. This shows that you were hoping for that position.
Remember after your interview to thank the interviewer for their time, and if possible follow the interview up with a short email thanking them again for their consideration and time.
Good Luck!
Excellent questions, although not always appropriate to bring up in the interview scenario. It can be difficult if the interviewer has covered most of them during the interview. I would always try and have a company specific question, perhaps why the company is called what it is? or how long has the company been established (if you havent been able to find that on their website)