Police Interview
The process of recruting Police Officer is completely different than any other job as you know. Police interviews are also different than any other type of interview due to nature of this job and its duties.
This job is very important for the community so they must be careful when they choosing their staff that we can understand.
You would still get typical interview questions though during your one to one interview such as:
Why do you want to become a police officer?Why do you want to join your particular force?What have you done to find out about your force you want to join?Most asked interview questions:
Tell me about yourself
Why should we hire you?
Why do you want this job?
What is your greatest strength?
What is your greatest weakness?
What are your salary expectations?
What motivates you?
Give some examples of teamwork
Describe a difficult work situation project and how you overcame it
Are you willing to travel?
What can you contribute to this company?
Good luck.
My husband applied to work in the police. He didnt get as far as an interview unfortunatly. This could have been due to the fact that they background check you, and they found a relative who was in prison for something, he wasnt hiding this fact it just wasnt asked on the application but they do background check you.
Obviously, when applying to be a police officer, they need to make sure that your criminal record and background is squeaky clean, so if they find anything at all that they find suspicious, they’ll most likely rule you out as a candidate for the job.
As a police officer, you need to be concerned about helping the community and fighting crime, rather than just being taken up with a decent salary and ticking the boxes. When asked questions about why you want to become a police officer, try to venture from the standard answers you hear all the time and answer with something interesting, unique and genuine.
Good luck!
If you have made it to the interview stage for becoming a member of the police force. Congratulations, however, the hard work is not over and the interview stage will be highly competitive. You must project yourself as an individual who is self-motivating, dependable, confident and place a high value in integrity. As you are hoping to enter a uniformed and disciplined force, it is important to ensure you go to the interview with a high standard of dress. Ensure all clothing is clean and pressed with shoes polished. Remember that first impressions count, and failing to give a good one for a job like this could scupper your chances before you have been given the chance to
In the interview itself, make sure all answers are given thought and delivered confidently and clearly. The correct interview technique will compliment your answers and ensure you leave a positive impression on the interviewer.
A couple of common questions asked at these interviews are shown below. Ensure you have practiced delivering the answers to help make you come across as confident in yourself.
Question: What characteristics do you have, which you believe would make you a good police officer?
Answer: I believe that my integrity is a big part of who I am and have been described as being very dependable. In my last job I was often trusted to work alone and my supervisors had no qualms with leaving me with money. I am also very focused and hope to progress through my career on the merit of my hard working nature.
Question: How far do you believe you could go with regards to promotion?
Answer: While I am aware there is a 2 year probation period and I know there is a great deal to learn. I am enthusiastic about this opportunity and would hope to achieve the rank of Sergeant within 5-6 years. I would then hone my skills and work hard in order to progress as far as my abilities allow.
These interviews can typically take upwards of an hour. Therefore, prepare yourself to remain focused and give each question careful consideration before answering.