If you are a student looking for a first job or looking to do a course as a student then you will need your personal profile to show in detail what you have done in terms of experience so far, any Saturday positions or work experience that shows that you have some idea of the working world. You need your personal profile to make you stand out from the other students and show a college or an employer how different you are and how hard working you are in terms of studying and learning a new role.
Related: CV Personal Profile Example for Graduate
Please see below for an example personal profile which you can use as a guide:
CV Personal Profile Example for Student
I am a first class student who has a background in (what subjects). I feel that my qualifications and grades to date show that I work very hard in everything that I choose to study and I enjoy learning new skills and like exploring new avenues.
During my studies I have done a number of presentations to a variety of different audiences and I feel that my presentation skills and my communication skills are very good and I try to tailor any presentation to the audience that are attending if I know in advance and have also presented information to young children and managed to keep their attention throughout.
(Anything that you have achieved that is something high on your list of achievements and relevant to this application?).
I am enthusiastic about my studies and work and take great pride in achieving what I can. I am excited to do further studies and to be able to put my learning into a real practice situation is why I have chosen to do some voluntary work in the evenings and weekends to boost my experience and skills. I am enjoying working in this environment whilst learning at the same time.