Moving to Another Firm Resignation Letter Example: You can use following letter example for your resignations and leaving notice if you are going to move to another company.
Moving to Another Firm
Dear <Recipients name>,
As set out in my contract, I hereby serve you with my full notice to bring to an end my employment with <enter company name here> as a <enter job title here>. The period in my contract is <enter notice period here>, therefore I will be leaving my role on the <enter date here>.
I have decided that it is time for me to move on to another position elsewhere. This was by no means an easy decision for me to make, but after full consideration I have decided that a new firm is the best way for me to proceed with my career.
Please note that I will do whatever I can to make my leaving as easy as possible for all those involved.
I wish everybody at the company all of the best in the future and I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with <enter the company name here>.
Yours Sincerely,
<Enter name here>
We hope that this letter example will be useful for you.