Paperchase Application Form
At Paperchase there’s a number of vacancies within their stores for sales assistants and senior sales assistants. They also have vacancies within their head office in London and their warehouses in Thrapston if that’s more what you are after. Paperchase are the home to a large range of stationary items, art/craft items and office supplies.
How to apply
To apply for a role at Papercase, you can freely search their vacancies on their website. Once you find a suitable role for you, you can send them a copy of your CV along with a covering letter explaining a bit about yourself and why you want the role at Paperchase. Your covering letter should be set out like a formal letter, with your name, address and contact details on the top right hand corner. Your CV and covering letter can either be e-mailed to Paperchase or you can send it via post, their e-mail address and postal address can be found on their website.
Your interview at Paperchase is split into two, one group interview followed by a 1:1 interview. With the group interview, you have to come across better than the other candidates, try to take charge of your group and get yourself noticed. They usually ask you to perform some task in which shows the interview panel how you cope with team building exercises. The outcome of the task doesn’t usually matter, as it’s how you progressed within the task that matters. You then have a 1:1 interview with the store manager, where you will be asked a number of questions regarding your application, your flexibility and your previous experience. Keep professional at all times, answer all questions to the best of your ability and try to come across like a positive person.
The salary at Paperchase for a general sales assistant is national minimum wage, which is currently £6.08ph, for store and assistant store managers, rates are competitive and all depend on your previous experience.
Whether you’re interested in working in one of our stores, or behind the scenes in our head office in London or our warehouse in Thrapston, you’ll find full details for all current opportunities here.
Click here to visit Paperchase job site to search and apply for vacancies.