Next Application Form
Have you ever thought about your career being of something you love? Working at Next can allow this to happen, for you fashion gurus out there.
Next currently has 500 stores across the UK, and each store is run by passionate people who love fashion. Working with them allows you to gain experience, be eligible for a number of rewards and benefits and a chance to build yourself a long-tern career in fashion.
How to Apply
To apply to work with Next, it’s simple; everything is done via their website where you can search for current vacancies in your area. You are unable to download their application form, so you need to fill everything out online, the upside to that is, you’re able to save and come back to where you left off at a later time. You are also more than welcome to upload a copy of your CV and a covering letter to send with your application form, if you wish.
The interview process with Next is quite straight forward. They will want you to have some knowledge about fashion, and will more than likely ask a few questions regarding this to see if you’re well suited for the role. They will ask you why you are interested in working at Next, and what made you apply to that store. They will want you to give some examples of when you have practiced good team work, they will ask about your previous experience and why you think you’re suitable for the role at Next.
Related: Next interview
Next also run a graduate scheme once a year, where they take on 30 applicants. To apply, you will need to have at least one degree in one of the following; accountancy & finance, business & management, economics or maths & science. All applications are done online via their website.
Related: Next salary
Click here to visit Next career site to search and apply for vacancies.
thank you hunter!
next shopping is great but i don’t know how is working with it?
A nightmare! lol. Nah, it’s not too bad once you get into it but it’s one of the few shops where there are always customers pestering you. Never been into another shop like it. I think it’s because there’s stock in the back whereas most people in other shops just take what’s out on the shop floor. A smaller Next store would be okay but i wouldnt recommend the bigger stores – especially when it comes to sale day!!
And also…they are quite disorganised, they take tax off of you even when you’re not earning enough for tax to be taken off so you have to try and sort that out and reclaim the tax back all the time. Was quite annoying
But as a positive, they’re always looking for new staff and the pay is not bad
next is a good place to work!!
can i have next job application form pls
can have a job application
For please via email
Thanks you
has anyone applied for a Next job in 2012?
That’s what I’d like to know too Hunter. Hope someone can reply to your question.
i would like a job working on a sunday at lincoln valentine road store
i would like to work on a sunday at lincoln valentine road store or any other day, require 8 hours per week