Medical Secretary Interview
In this position the main differences between a general secretary and a Medical Secretary relate to the terminology which is used in the medical profession. Specialist secretaries need some additional training so that they become comfortable with the various medical words and phrases.
A good Medical Secretary is extremely important to all healthcare professionals. They are a valued member of the team no matter where they work. There is always a demand for experienced Medical Secretaries.
There is a good choice of working environments for a Medical Secretary. They may work in a busy local GP health centre, pharmaceutical company, hospital or private practice. In every environment there will be different aspects to the job.
Although there aren’t formal qualifications necessary for the Medical Secretary, it is usual to expect five GCSEs at A-C level including English. Good typing skills are essential. When you are working your employer may suggest that you work towards the Advanced Diploma for Medical Secretaries. This is part of the Association of Medical Secretaries, Practice Managers, Administrators and Receptionists (AMSPAR) which will give guidance with medical words and terms and medical documentation which is included in its curriculum.
There are lots of opportunities for advancement within the different organisations.
An interviewer will want to know what previous experience you have had in this industry?
Why do you want to work as a medical secretary? How would you deal with an irate patient? How do you intend to manage your administrative duties? Where do you see yourself in five years time? How would you manage with a particularly stressful day? It is really important to show that you know that you will be working with professional people at all times, so therefore you should always be smartly dressed. It is essential that you are always punctual, so ensure that you arrive for your appointment in plenty of time.
Spend some time researching the medical centre, or hospital for which you are being interviewed. If you have references from previous employers, take them with you, even if they are for general secretarial work, they will still show your attitude to members of staff and employers, and whether your work is always accurate.
Smile at the interviewer and talk directly to them. They will want to have some background information about you, and the reason you feel that you are the ideal candidate. Make sure that you have considered these questions before the interview, go that your answers will be readily available. There is a good possibility of being shown around the building including “your” office if you are successful.
At the end of the interview, make sure that you shake hands with the interviewer whilst thanking them for seeing you. Ask when a decision is likely, and indicate that you would be delighted to accept the position if it is offered to you.
Good luck.
Agree, typing skills will be paramount to this position. As medical terms are often long and in latin, it helps that you have some basic knowledge of the language used. It is even better if you have managed to study latin at school – unfortunatly not common these days.
The main difference between a secretary and a medical secretary is knowing the terminology that doctors and medical professionals will use including names of medicines, procedures for tests etc.
Working as a medical secretary is not only in a Doctors surgery but in a hospital environment, a private practice etc – think about what environment you would be happy working in and what type of patients you will come into contact with on a daily basis.