Use following examples of covering letters if you are going to apply for job applications in the UK.
Killer Cover Letter Example
Ms Jane Brown
101 Any Road
Every Town
Mr John Smith
ABC Company
All Streets
Any Town
Dear Mr Smith
Position of Sales Assistant
I am interested in the above post and would like to apply.
My CV indicates my previous work experience in busy retail locations in the leisure and children’s clothing sectors. I believe that my success in retail sales is due to my excellent interpersonal and customer service skills. I can communicate with customers in a friendly and informative manner and help them to make the right product choices.
I also have a great deal of experience in storing and laying out stock, handling cash and processing debit and credit card transactions. I work well with others and have a real team spirit mentality.
I am keen to transfer my skills to your company’s sector and feel sure that I would be a successful addition to the store. I am flexible in terms of working patterns and can be depended upon to work hard.
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet you to discuss the post in more detail. In the meantime, I would like to thank you for taking the time to consider my application.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Jane Brown
Killer Cover Letter Example 2
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to enquire about the vacancy within the organisation for (name vacancy). I have worked for (company name) for over five years now and have a sound knowledge of how the company has developed over that time and the future aspirations of the organisation as a whole.
To continue to be part of the organisation’s success and help take it to another level, I would like to be given the opportunity to work in (department name), as I feel it is a natural progression as to my present role and an area which I have great interest in and I believe I could make a positive contribution to the team.
Professional development is important to me and I have noted this role in my past PDP’s with my Line Manager. Now, I feel, is an excellent opportunity to prove I can carry out the role to the standards you expect, developing my role and (company name)’s also.
Thank you for taking the time to read my request and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Yours faithfully
Killer Cover Letter Example 3
Dear Ms Evans,
I hope you will consider me for the position of freelance writer, as advertised in The Guardian.
I was particularly excited to see a position open at Organic Living, as I have long been a fan of your work. I’m impressed by the way you make environmental issues accessible to non-environmentalists and I would love the opportunity to be part of your work.
Reading over the job description for the position, I recognised myself to a tee. As you will see on my attached CV, I have seven years’ experience with a charity, writing everything from newsletters to web sites to brochures. In addition to in-house publications, my work has been published in newspapers around the country.
Additionally, I am a versatile writer and I take pleasure in taking difficult information and presenting it in an easy-to-understand, upbeat format. I’ve never missed a deadline and pride myself on being able to cope with many different projects. My editing skills border on OCD; I have been known to correct mistakes on cafe menus!
If you would like to talk with me further at an interview, please call me at your earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely,
great examples, thank you
thanks for this.