Iceland Application Form
Iceland has been in business for over 40 years. They are still a growing company and opening up more and more store locations every year. The Sunday Times calls Iceland the Best Big Company to Work For. Working for Iceland means, keeping up with the demands of the public. Day to day activities that need to be done have to be done. How it gets done is an important part of what the company calls Our Culture. Employees and management at Iceland do not over complicate situations, they have a job at task and they work hard and get it done right the first time. Iceland employees are offered an open and honest way of communicating any concerns they have.
Customer service is extremely important to Iceland management; they understand that families are looking to eat properly and with great low prices and that is a big part of what Iceland does. They understand the plight of those who have less money to spend on food than others and that is why their prices are exceptional and their food is quality. Iceland offers home delivery for the busy family as well. Before applying for a company job, think about what you like to do, if you don’t like what you do, you cannot be productive. Iceland provides extensive training and development in order to make sure that whatever job you do, the company wants you do it with pride and excellence.
How to Apply
In order to really show your potential employer that you are the one that they are looking for, you need to stand above the rest. Your CV should be professional looking and only show the last couple of jobs rather than every job you ever had. Employers do not really care about the job you had 10 years ago unless it is the last job you had. You should include a cover letter; a cover letter is the one chance that you have to tell your potential employer why they should hire you. Your job application should be neat and truthful, never lie or embellish on job applications or on your CV.
Iceland is one of the fastest growing food retail companies in the United Kingdom. They have many job opportunities out there for motivated people looking to become part of the Iceland Family. Currently, Iceland is hiring for Retail Assistants, this can be done through your local Iceland location. Normal advertising for job vacancies are posted in store and seldom online. Though it never hurts to check. Though any employment opportunity for Head Office Support and Management Positions are posted online.
The company wants to offer the right people the right jobs, so they have a hiring condition on all employment opportunities, only full time jobs are available and you must have a valid permit to work in the United Kingdom. If you are interested please visit their nearest store location, you will have the opportunity to speak to a manager for an interview. When you sit down for an interview at Iceland, you should have a company application filled out as well as a CV. During the interview, you will find the interviewer is very friendly but will ask you a lot of questions, to make sure that you are Iceland material.
Click here to visit Iceland careers.
please can you send me iceland job application form. my address is
Can u sent me an application form. to my address
Tharuta Saengtemee, Flat 5, 63 Canfield Gdns, London. NW6 3JJ
The link provided does not give a application but navigates me to the iceland website. Do yon not have the application form in a PDF?? If you do please can you upload it on here.
could you please send me an aplication form ?
would u mind sending me an application form this is my address 29 Ashtone avenue harehills leeds LS8 5BX
Please can you send me an iceland job application form to [email protected] thanks/
Hi could you please send me an application form regarding the 30 jobs at Iceland sheffield lane top. I am really interested in these jobs, please cpuld you email me the application form to [email protected] and the instructions on where you would like me to email/post it to.
kind regards
Hi can you please send me an application form to [email protected] and the instructions on where you would like me to email/post it to.
Hi can you please send me a application forms for all your retail jobs please
very much appreciated
Kinda regards Abbie
Iceland has a new job site now – Please check the first post.
Could you please sens me an application form to my e-mail address.
Many Thanks.
Hi could you please send me an application forms for all your retail jobs please very much appreciated. Kind regards Asia
Hi please could you send me an application form
to my email address thankyou.
Am looking for full time work in bradford or shipley