How would you describe your work style?
Your potential new employer wants to know if they can work with you. Are you someone that works like them? Do you have different skills that will compliment or not?
Think carefully how you do work.
Are you organised? Only say so if you are. And if you are then how can you demonstrate that you are?
How is your time management? Or do you need guidance? Remember be honest, you will only get found out if you can’t live up to what you have said during your interview.
Can you describe to your interview a typical day in a previous role? How do you start? When do you start?
People all work differently, some people need to stick to a rigid routine including having their lunch and breaks at the same time each day, others can be a lot more flexible. Depending on what kind of person you are will depend on whether you will fit into that particular company. It has to be right for both parties – for example: there is no point saying that you are self motivated and can work on your own initiative if you need to work with others.
Think about your skills and how you operate carefully before answering this, there is no right and wrong answer just simply a fit to that particular company. Be honest.
I would describe my work style as
Hardworking, with lots of attention to detail, ensuring i finish a project etc on time but without rushing, to ensure it is the best work i can offer
It’s important to be honest when answering this questions.