Helpdesk Interview Questions
A helpdesk interview will strongly focus on your abilities to interact with the public. Your potential employer will be looking for someone who will be able to engage with customers and appear genuinely friendly. As the helpdesk worker will often find themselves dealing with irate, frustrated customers, it is important to show are capable of remaining cool under pressure. It is completely unacceptable for an employee to snap at a customer despite the high level of aggression (even if not aimed directly at the employee) some customers will be displaying. You will definitely be asked questions about how you would deal with such scenarios at some point in your interview. It is important to explain that you would remain calm in order to attempt to calm down the customer.
As you will hopefully be taking up a position on a helpdesk you are obviously there to help. Although you will be given training it would be an advantage to have some background knowledge on the subject you will be dealing with. For example, sitting on a car maintenance companies help desk will prove difficult if you have no knowledge of cars. Whatever job you are going for, you will be expected to have at least a basic understanding of what they do and some knowledge on the problems you may be required to help with. You should expect some work related questions which will be used to gauge the level you are at. This will give your potential employer an idea of how much training would be required should you be hired. If you will be in the public eye it also stands to reason that you will need to be dressed to a required standard each day. Therefore, make an extra effort for the interview. Whether you are informed or not, the interviewer will be casting a critical eye over the way you have presented yourself.
Check out most asked interview questions:
Tell me about yourself
Why should we hire you?
Why do you want this job?
What is your greatest strength?
What is your greatest weakness?
What are your salary expectations?
What motivates you?
Give some examples of teamwork
Describe a difficult work situation project and how you overcame it
Are you willing to travel?
What can you contribute to this company?
Not had one myself, but I would imagine they would want to know about your experience in the helpdesk areas, so they are likely to ask you basic (and not so basic) helpdesk questions. If you are going for this kind of interview, prepare yourself for these sorts of questions
You need to be a very friendly person if you’re at the helpdesk. People may sometimes be nervous about asking for help with things, especially if they feel that they may look stupid. That’s one of the reasons why it’s important to be friendly and approachable.
The interviewer is looking for a friendly person who is good with children, so make sure you’re able to give a good impression, as well as answering all the questions you’re asked with good answers.
Good luck!
The first thing to keep in mind while attending an interview is, you should be brave and feel free to talk.To settle your life in a helpdesk profile, you should know a little about the computer and some basic languages.
Thank you for your help.