Finance Manager Interview Questions
A good grasp of mathematics and excellent analytical skills are going to be needed for a job as a financial manager. Before getting to this stage, and depending on the company you will soon hopefully be working for, it is likely that you will be required to complete a number of exams. This will include a psychometric test and key skill exams, with particular emphasis on maths. Previous experience that relates to this work is normally a requirement and most positions will be strongly contested.
If you have got this far and are now awaiting your interview, it is of paramount importance to prepare yourself for the upcoming interview. Research the company thoroughly to ensure you are up to date with what the company does and where it is likely to go in the future.
Along with questions about your experience and suitability for the post, you will need to be seen as
confident and very dependable, with a strong work ethic.
The example questions listed below are by no means exhaustive. Ensure you have prepared yourself as far as you can. Practice possible answers to a friend or relative to give you the best chance of coming across as a positive and confident candidate.
Question: What makes you think you would make a strong financial manager?
Answer: This is the time to explain your previous experience. Be sure to put the emphasis on your skills as an analyst and your ability to work under pressure. Give examples of times you have demonstrated these qualities.
Question: What are the key tasks of a Financial Manager?
Answer: Here is the question that should be blatantly obvious, but so many people slip up and give incomplete answers. This question will be asked in some way, shape or form so prepare for it.
Tailor your answer to the relevant company. Most questions need time to consider the answer. However, you should be confident enough to rattle through this one and show the interviewer you are ready to take on the role.
Question: Why did you leave your last job?
Answer: Now you have the opportunity to explain that you are looking for new challenges and the ability to fullfill your potential.Construct your answer to show how your skill set matches the job description.
Most Asked Interview Questions:
Tell me about yourself
Why should we hire you?
Why do you want this job?
What is your greatest strength?
What is your greatest weakness?
What are your salary expectations?
What motivates you?
Give some examples of teamwork
Describe a difficult work situation project and how you overcame it
Are you willing to travel?
What can you contribute to this company?
– Demonstrate about your analytical skills and the give an example
– How do you feel about working fully on commission?
– Tell me why you would like to work for a company that is experiencing bankruptcy.
Good luck.
Finance managers are good to know, you can progress upwards and become a financial advisor and go self employed eventually. You need to be analytical as well as numerical, because it involves a lot of both.
Wages can be quite high as a finance manager, but you need to have what it takes to be successful at this kind of work.
Obviously, any job in finance requires some level of mathematical skill, so make sure you can work confidently with numbers and figures.
Managerial positions require you to be a team leader and take the lead in many situations. Make sure you’re comfortable with telling people what to do sometimes and making decisions on the spot.
Very useful, great.