Data Analyst Interview
A data analyst must have the ability to look through a client defined array of information, and be able to pick out relevant data as requested by a client. There will also be a requirement to sift through large amounts of data sources in order to compile a professional and technical report which will then be presented to the client.
Skills required to be considered for this role include, I.T skills, maths and English, strong problem solving ability, excellent organisational skills, working alone and as part of a team, dedication and commitment, high work rate, communication skills.
In order to prove that you are suitable for this position you will need to provide examples of your experience, or at least relevant examples of achievements in other industries. Computer skills and problem solving will most likely be assessed before the interview stage. This will normally involve a psychometric test and some kind of data capture exercise. Successful completion of this will require the ability to record large volumes of data quickly, without any degradation of accuracy.
This is often a fast paced and hectic industry. The margin for error is small and the expectations are always high. However, if this is the job for you then there is a great deal of job satisfaction to be had as a data analyst. You will be taking an unchallenged sample of data and quantifying it in a way that produces definitive conclusions.
In order to increase your chances of success in the interview, ensure you have done your homework on the company. They may focus on a smaller group of clients that creates a more streamlined work load. Knowing information such as this will allow you to tailor your interview responses to how you would be a perfect candidate for what they do and making reassurances that you would fit in to the existing team.
Data Analayst interview questions:
Describe a situation when you had conflict with others.What was the most difficult data question you solved?When is the most difficult time that you experienced?What does initiative mean to you?What does deductive reasoning mean to you?What makes you different from the other analysts?
As a Data Analyst, you must have the knowledge in statistics and to analyse the market environment, SPSS, SAS, Excel!!
Good Luck!!