If you are well on your way to becoming a caregiver, congratulations. We are glad that there are people who are willing to help others with basic life needs. We are sure you know that this is no easy task and can be quite a challenging career. So, what are some things you should be considering before taking the plunge to becoming a caregiver? We have a few questions to ask yourself to be sure you are taking the steps in the right direction.
Are you aware of the little things?
Ok, we know it is nearly impossible to know every single ailment or need a potential client can have, but it is good to know of a few basics before going into things. One of the most common issues your clients will be facing is hand tremors. Having shaky hands is common for the elderly and those who would be seeking help from a caregiver. It is helpful to know that there are a few hand tremor causes that can contribute to the shaking. Are you aware of what they are? It is great to research these topics to be able to help to the best of your abilities.
Are you emotionally ready?
When caring for others, there is always the chance that something can happen to them, and they will no longer be with us. Are you ready for the emotional challenges that can come with this? Are you emotionally ready to possibly lose one of your clients? These are great things to reflect on and journal about to be able to see if you are indeed ready to make this step. If you think you aren’t there yet, ask for advice from those already in the field. They will be a wealth of knowledge and resources into the healthcare world, and can help you with tough choices.
Are you physically capable?
Something that is often overlooked when it comes to being a caregiver, is the physical capability of doing the job. Though you could ask for help to lift and adjust clients, having a strong base for yourself is a good idea. If you feel you are lacking in the strength and physical fitness category, don’t be afraid to invest in your health. Get the help you need from fitness professionals, that way you can care for those future clients of yours. Maybe weightlifting and working out isn’t your cup of tea. If not, then we recommend at least going for walks and getting some cardio in to be able to ensure that your body is up for the challenges that come along with this career, and your health habits are working for you, not against you.
What is your “why”?
Before you do anything in your life, like going to school, changing careers, or making a change you should be asking yourself why you are doing it. Knowing your “why” behind your life choices will help you to stay on track and remain focused. So, ask yourself, “why is it that I have chosen this career?” Get to the bottom of this decision you have made. Once you have found it, be sure you reiterate it to yourself throughout your journey. It will work as a reassurance and motivator when the job gets difficult, or you feel like quitting.
Know that by asking yourself these questions, you are doing the hard work that comes with making tough choices and you are ensuring that you are indeed making the best choice for yourself and your potential clients. We hope that making the decision to become a caregiver has become easier for you and clearer. Just remember, you’ve got this.