Care Worker Interview
For every job their are specific characteristics which employers will look for when choosing a candidate for a job opening. During an interview you would be wise to take any opportunity to drive home how you possess as many of these as possible. Key characteristics for a care worker will include:
A desire to care for people.
hard working
good listener
among many, many more.
You must bear in mind that this cannot be seen as just another job. In whatever discipline of providing care you must understand that you will be dealing with people’s loved ones. It is important to reflect this in your interview answers. It sounds obvious but too many people get caught up in the formality of the interview process and on occasion, can come across as cold and without any sympathy for those who need the care. This lack of caring will most likely not be the case, but it proves the importance of practicing how you will answer your questions with a friend or family member. Ask them to give you honest feedback as to how you come across to them.
Possible questions you will be given:
Question: What attracted you to this post?
This is guaranteed to come up towards the beginning of your interview. The answer will depend on what type of care you would be providing, but it does give you an excellent early opportunity to get some key characteristics into your answers early on. For example, "I have spent X number of years training to gain qualifications in this area. I have always had the desire to help people in general but this field is particularly close to my heart. I know it will involve a lot of hard work but I know that my dedication and patience make me an ideal candidate to be considered for this job." You cold add in some job specific sentences to show that you understand the responsibilities you will be undertaking. Especially if a mental or physical disability will be involved.
Question: Tell us about a recent situation you were involved with that required you to use your initiative.
Here your experience gets a chance to shine through and you should ensure you keep the example job related.
Overall, during the interview remember to smile. Give human responses to the questions you are asked, try not to fall into the trap of answering robotically because of nerves and the interview environment. Make sure to do plenty of preparation work and you will walk into the interview full of confidence.
Care work is a great career if you can do it. It encompasses all different types of care, from people with learning difficulties, to the disabled, to the elderly. You could be working in someones own home, in a care facility or even in a hospital. You will need to be aware of the regulations though, and should try and research these to show you are definatly interested.
Becoming a care worker is a hard career choice and if you have secured an interview for this post you will probably be asked about your physical condition as you need to be very strong mentally and physically when dealing with people who are unable to look after themselves.
If this is not an issue then you then need to focus on other questions you may be asked such as:
Are you able to work shift work? A care home is open 24/7 including Christmas Day. You will be expected to work shifts, maybe differing times each week depending on rotas.
The interviewer will probably focus on whether you have done a similar role in the past to assess your personality or whether you have worked with similar people before maybe voluntarily.
Some potential questions:
Just remember that your skills from your application have interested your interviewer enough to want to discuss it further so make sure you demonstrate all your good qualities and the job should be yours.
Hey if anyone is looking for a Job based around care have a look at this new website, Loads of offer and all you have to do is make a free account then you can apply for as many jobs as you wish.
Helloo everyone, kindly give me an idea about how to answer a question like, Why are you intersted in domiciliary care work?