Use this CV example if you are going to apply for a Cabin Crew Job in the UK.
Amend it as suitable before sending it to the employers.
Cabin Crew CV Example
[Type the date]
[Type your name]
[Type your phone number]
[Type your e-mail]
[Type your address]
[Type your website]
Personal Summary
Energetic, committed and well-presented Cabin Crew experienced in short-haul flights on a busy airline. With excellent knowledge of current relevant health and safety policies and procedures along with a very real passion for providing excellent customer service.
Work Experience
Cabin Crew – Mar-11 – Oct-11
Responsible for passenger safety, demonstrating safety procedures and ensuring all emergency equipment is in working order. Making sure that passengers are comfortable throughout the flights including serving refreshments and selling duty-free.
• Carry out pre-flight duties: checking safety equipment, checking the aircraft is clean and tidy etc.
• Welcoming passengers, seeing them to their seats, informing of safety procedures, serving meals etc.
• Giving first aid to passengers where necessary
Key Skills
• Passionate about customer service with excellent interpersonal skills
• Confident and experienced in dealing with difficult situations
• Successfully completed First Aid training
High School
2005 – 2007| A-Levels:
English Literature (B) Business Studies (B) Sociology (B) Art & Design (C)
Available upon request
CV Example for Cabin Crew
Use this example for free for your job applications after amending it as suitable.
Address, Post-code
Telephone: 01234 567 890 Mob: 07777 123 456
Email: your email at com
An extremely motivated and resourceful, Cabin Crew member, with over five years experience in providing an excellent quality of customer service, showing pride in the services delivered. I am confident in communicating with a wide range of people from different countries. Able to contribute well to any team and communicating with the managers, articulate and have a passion for the work I do. Showing willingness to provide high standards consistently and possesses a good work ethic, prepared to take on various tasks and always doing my best.
Looking for an opportunity to progress my career, develop my skills in order for me to continue doing my best for an organisation that takes pride in its staff.
2012–Present Company Name
Cabin Crew
• Responsible for ensuring checks are carried out thoroughly prior to and after flights
• Confidently working with cash/different currencies when carrying out hostess duties
• Contributing positively to the team, ensuring we are working together, providing the best service possible
• Carrying out various duties including cleaning; safety checks; hostess trolley
• Helping as much as possible with any queries or concerns from passengers
• Gaining knowledge of ICAO regulations
• Attending on-going training to improve safety procedures and standards
• Carrying out regular emergency drills as a team
• Listen to and carry out instructions from senior staff
• Appearing welcoming, happy and warm hearted, even during stressful moments
• Keeping physical fit for such a demanding job
• Working shift patterns, spending time away from home and family when required
Date – Date: Company Name
Cabin Crew
• Welcoming passengers when boarding and exiting the plane
• Checking the safety equipment on a regular basis ensuring they meet required standards
• Demonstrating emergency exit procedures before take-of
• Checking passengers are compliant with safety equipment and emergency procedures
• Being able to cope with working in different time zones and jet lag
• Working well as a team, demonstrating a good sense of humour
2009: Cabin Crew Qualification
2002 – 2004: Diploma in Tourism & Hospitality
1986 – 1994: 7 GCSEs including English and Mathematics
I enjoy listening and playing music; organising and holding charity events and socialising.
Good luck.
Very nice example, handy for those looking to get into this career. If you are, good luck, I would just suggest you list out the GCSE subjects and grades, as you can still obtain English and Maths at GCSE with a D, E and F grading! – most employers will be wanting a C or above, so if you have that LIST IT