Account Handler interview questions and tips:
An account handler usually develops the businesses accounts and increases sales. An account handler is often found at an insurance company where they promote their products to brokers and independent financial advisers (IFA).
There are many different tasks undertaken by an account handler which include working to pre-determined sales targets, dealing with claims and ensuring they are passed to the relevant departments, ensuring the qualifications of agents and helping to develop the publicity literature.
There aren’t any educational qualifications necessary to be an account handler however employers will expect good GCSE results particularly in English and Maths. It is possible that A levels may be required in order to be accepted onto management training schemes.
A successful account handler will have good communication skills, should be able to negotiate, be able to organise themselves, be able to work as part of a team, or on their own as required.
It is usual to start in a lower position, perhaps a sales administrator before working up to account handler after having some considerable experience.
When being interviewed at a new company it is essential that they have full details of previous experience and qualifications as although a degree isn’t necessary, it is always beneficial to offer additional qualifications.
Be prepared for the interview and have as much information as possible about the company which shows the interviewer that you have given some thought before attending the interview.
Dress smartly and arrive punctually – it really isn’t good manners to be late, and in many cases you may not be offered the position if you miss your appointment time. Smile at the interviewer and speak clearly when answering questions. Be enthusiastic and look as though you are pleased to be there. If you are nervous, this can spoil the interview because you aren’t concentrating on the questions. Sound confident and it will assist you. Don’t look down at the floor. Speak to the interviewer and smile as this will lift your tone and make your answers sound more interesting.
If you don’t hear a question or didn’t understand it, ask the interviewer to repeat it. It is much better to do this than try to guess at what was asked, and then answer incorrectly.
Towards the end of the interview, make sure that you say that you would like the job if it is offered to you and thank the interviewer. Ask if they know when they will be making their decision as this shows that you are interested.
Very good advise here. If this is the career you want, you really need to ensure you have excellent maths and english, as Accounts is numeracy based. To be honest, what ever job you want you should ensure you have the best qualifications you can get. If you havent studied well at school, you may want to consider adult education to improve your grade if possible
An account handler will require a keen sense of the importance of teamwork. An interview candidate for this job will also need to be friendly and approachable, possess good communication skills, have a strong grasp of mathematics, high organisational skills and be competent within I.T.
Before getting to the interview, ensure that you have researched the company you are hoping to work for and have an accurate picture on what your roles and responsibilities will be, should you get the job. This will enable you to tailor your interview responses to better suit the role you will be taking on.
For example, if you will be actively chasing sales targets and personally generating customers through telesales, it will be important to emphasise your determination and communication skills. If however, you will be spending most of your time organising the accounts and ensuring an accurate record of data is kept, then you would need to emphasise your I.T skills and keen eye for detail.
As you will most likely be working alongside a team of existing account handler’s it will be important to reassure the interviewer that you will be able to seamlessly fit in to the existing working environment whilst maintaining, or better yet, improving production.
To improve your chances of landing the job, you need to use your research to your advantage. For example, show that your characteristics match the company’s general ethos. As often as you can, mention a positive character trait which the company will gain in employing you. For example, explain how dedicated and hard working you are. If you are able, use examples of your experience to back up your claims of high organisational skills and a strong I.T background.
Above all else be confident and smile. If you are giving off a positive vibe, it will help give the interviewer a warm positive overall view of you.