Cover Letter example for Retail Supervisor jobs. Amend as suitable and start applying for the job jobs you always wanted to get.
Retail Supervisor Cover Letter
<Enter the date>
<Enter your full address>
Dear <Enter name of person receiving application>,
I am sending you this covering letter and CV in regard to the position advertised in <enter where job was found>. With these documents, I would like to apply to the position of retail supervisor.
A retail supervisor is an important role in any company. More often than not, the supervisor is the go-to person for both management and shop floor employees, which means they have to get a fine balance of authority and friendship. With this in mind, I think my experience at <enter details relevant to application here> stands me in good stead for this role.
A retail supervisor has a lot of responsibility in any store. Training, motivation and disciplining employees are all roles that I am comfortable with and have done before at <enter previous company here>. At this company, my relation between my superiors and those who worked under me was exemplary. I felt at my previous role it only took me a short while to find the right balance and I think it will take an even shorter time.
Please take the time to read my resume, which I believe you will find more than suitable for this role. If you want to discuss my application, please call me on <enter a phone number>.
Yours Sincerely,
<Enter name >
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