When it comes to job hunting, it can be a difficult task to pin down vacancies that might be of interest to you by searching through the papers and word of mouth from friends. Trips to the job centre can cost money and time that would be better spent actually working towards that dream job. Luckily, there is a wealth of online job seeking websites that you can use to search and apply for your dream job! Below is a handy list of the best of the UK job sites.
11 Best Job Sites in the UK to Find a Job
1. Job Centre Plus. The UK’s Government based Job site, this site not only offers a HUGE array of vacancies to job seekers, it also offers a wealth of advice and job seeker services, so not only can you find your perfect job, but you can find advice on securing it, advice on benefits and pensions etc. You can search by all manner of keywords and filters, such as location, job title and sector. Visit gov.uk/jobsearch.
2. CV Library. One of the best and biggest online job search and cv sites with nearly 6 million members including their CVs. CV Library has over 60,000 live jobs on their sites ready for jobseekers to search and apply. Visit cv-library.co.uk.
3. JobServe. Arguably one of the largest UK based job sites, JobServe has a huge range of jobs available to people from all manner of sectors. It is also heavily used by agencies. There is the ability to apply for positions directly from the site, and also upload your CV to the site for ease of application. Visit jobserve.com.
4. Monster. As the name suggests, Monster is a HUGE site packed with vacancies for all types of jobs. It offers a huge range of Jobseeker services such as CV advice and jobseeker tips such as interview techniques. You can create a list of jobs you like and applying for them is simple. Visit monster.co.uk.
5. Indeed. Indeed is a huge UK site that is very simple in its layout but contains hundreds of jobs in a simple way, as well as the facility to upload your CV so employers might find you. Visit indeed.co.uk.
6. Reed. Reed is a large site that caters for many different careers, and gives you the chance to post your CV up for potential employers to find you if they think you would be suitable for their position. It offers a large number of temporary positions as well as full time. Direct application is also possible via this site. Visit reed.co.uk.
7. Fish4jobs. Fish 4 Jobs tends to offer a range of jobs that tend to be more casual or lesser known jobs, but is still a huge resource. Searching for job is keyword based which can occasionally cause problems for users if you aren’t sure what you are looking for, however it is very simple to sign up to receive email alerts about jobs that might interest you. Visit fish4jobs.co.uk.
8. TotalJobs. Totaljobs is a comprehensive job site that offers a range of jobs definable by a variety of keywords and filters. You can even search by sector to see a list of jobs. You can sign up for email alerts about new jobs, and also upload your CV for more proactive job hunting.
9. Gumtree. Similar in use to Fish4jobs, Gumtree is a local classifieds site, that has a job board. The jobs are separated by sectors, but can also be searched for by keyword. If you live close to the district borders it can sometimes be a little difficult as you may have to search over more than one district of Gumtree site. Gumtree is often a good place to look for casual or manual work. Visit gumtree.co.uk.
10. Jobsite. Another quite simple looking site that caters for thousands of jobseekers weekly. You may sign up for job alerts, as well as the CV upload facility. Visit www.jobsite.co.uk.
11. Jobrapido. Jobrapido is a simple site to use in the form of a board that caters for many jobs, mainly technical posts. Visit uk.jobrapido.com/.
This is great to have a list of these job sites. My only gripe with some of them is you put in your location and how far you can (or are willing to ) travel, and you get jobs listing for you that are not even in the same part of the country! I’ve seen jobs advertised in Newcastle, Southend, London, Kent and Leeds (I’m near Leeds) so i think maybe the search engines need tweaking or something. I do like the fact these sites can send you emails with possible matches though
gd day pls which countries are involved as far as this job is concern?