The very first impression you give to a potential employer is of course, your Covering letter. Far more than a mere boring introduction to your CV, your Cover letter should be carefully written in order to make you really stand out from the other applicants. It should include a brief but concise round up of your suitability for the role you are applying for. Here are some things to bear in mind when writing your covering letter.
Introduce Yourself
In your first line you should introduce yourself. You should also write which position it is that you are applying for and where you saw the advert. For example:
I am sending you this covering letter and CV in regard to the position advertised in . Having read the advert, I would like to apply for the position of Investment Advisor.
Highlight Experience
In the second paragraph you should go on to outline any experience you have relating to the position you are applying for. You should then go on to give examples of how you understand the role and have the relevant skills and experience to carry the role out. End the paragraph with a positive line about how you wish to share the skills with the company.
I am a very capable and well educated Investment Advisor with experience. I am fluent in financial jargon, and I am miles ahead of my peers when it comes to hitting and exceeding my targets. I have a mathematical brain and I am proud to say I minimise losses to my clients. I am keen on staying abreast of the latest news and therefore make the best investment decisions. I would really appreciate the chance to share my skills and enthusiasm with you.
In the third paragraph, you should briefly write again that you are perfectly capable of carrying out the role and explain who your previous or current employer is, and how working for that employer has made you wish to progress your career.
I believe I am highly capable and experienced for this position. I previously worked at , whilst in that position I learned a lot about the role and I am now ready to progress my career further.
In the final paragraph you should advise that you have attached your CV and offer the company the opportunity to invite you to an interview or further discuss your application.
Please find attached my CV, which I believe shows my suitability for the role. If you want to discuss my application, please call me on . I can make myself available for interview at a time convenient for you.
Sign the letter ‘Yours Sincerely’.
This covering letter is bound to impress potential employers as it has outlined in one small digestible piece of paper, just how perfect you are for the role you are applying for, and as the employer reads your CV they will remember you better.
Here is an example of a job application covering letter:
Excellent advise here, I find the cover letter the most important thing before even reading a CV. Although they can be hard to write well, the format is always the same and as stated above should be used to sell yourself but never lie on them.